Big fan...big fan.1: a measure of the unavailable energy in a closed thermodynamic system that is also usually considered to be a measure of the system's disorder, that is a property of the system's state, and that varies directly with any reversible change in heat in the system and inversely with the temperature of the system ; broadly : the degree of disorder or uncertainty in a system
- Main Entry:
- en·tro·py
- Pronunciation:
- \ˈen-trə-pē\
- Function:
- noun
- Inflected Form(s):
- plural en·tro·pies
- Etymology:
- International Scientific Vocabulary 2en- + Greek tropē change, literally, turn, from trepein to turn
- Date:
- 1875
2 a: the degradation of the matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity b: a process of degradation or running down or a trend to disorder
That said, my thoughts:
- Bad bill - all the way around. I am glad this failed. In the end, it was shit (probably started that way) and began (as is usual) with the big flaw: nobody in this country was involved. This was another push-through that people are either too preoccupied or stupid to be a part of. The people of this country should be ashamed. It has become way too easy for these fucks to fuck you. Are you listening?
- Another give back to Bush because he (or his familiar) is soooo good at making this country afraid. I will never see that done again, no matter what the issue.
- What happened to accountability? Man, this pisses me off. I was raised with the principle that I must be accountable for my actions. Shit, I should have cheated on my wife when I had the chances (back when I was beautiful) - the marriage turned to shit anyway. Kinda like this....
Mr. Hope is pissing me off. I can't stand that he is so... what: for it; neutral; critical? - whatever... He would have voted for this crap. Should I vote for him? Why don't people actually live what they mean?
I could rant all night... but on the bill:
- The CEO compensation provision sucked: existing executives' deals should NOT be honored
- The oversight provisions sucked also: the team includes the Federal Reserve chairman, the Securities and Exchange Commission chairman, the Federal Home Finance Agency director, the Housing and Urban Development secretary and the Treasury secretary. Same shit...
- No equity for taxpayers - us.
Let's just do the right thing: raise taxes on the richest. After all, they are the ones that benefited from this mess from the start anyway. Then THEIR money can pay THEIR companies what THEY need for THEIR bad decisions. No, no, that would be somehow wrong and would send the economy into a tail spin. What? But seriously, what about something like this?
So, let us all wait for the inevitable blame game: wherein the repubs blame the dems and the dems take it.
In my heart though, I do like it when the machine/organism breaks down because of the parasitic disease that is eating it. That is nature at its most sublime.
Reminds me of a poem that I once knew.