Friday, September 26, 2008

The Future of Education? Hell, No!

More from Douglas in our continuing series on education. Remember, the numbered points are the McCain campaign position, the rest is all Doug.

3. We will energetically assert the right of students to engage in voluntary prayer in schools and to have equal access to school facilities for religious purposes.

How does one even comment on this blatant disregard of our constitutional rights?

4. We call for a review of Department of Education programs and administration to identify and eliminate ineffective programs, to respect the role of states, and to better meet state needs.

The Department of Education was established during the Carter administration. Its existence was threatened during the Reagan administration through documented hostile pressure. The W. administration gave it unheard of federal power of punishment over the 50 states. Now, its existence may be threatened again. Ironically, the U.S. Constitution makes no mention of a federal system of education or even a federal role in education.

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