Friday, September 26, 2008

The First Debate - Part 2

The lessons of Iraq:

McCain: We are winning the war because we have a great general. We are winning.

Obama: I said from the beginning that this was wrong. Spent almost a trillion, lost 4000 lives, Al Qaida is resurgent. Lesson is that we must use our military wisely - we didn't. [good]

McCain: Next president must know how we leave and when we leave. Obama was against the surge, which has worked.

Obama: Yes violence has been reduced. But that was a tactic to contain the damage that was caused by the previous years. You said the job would be quick and easy, it would be cheap, we would be greeted as liberators, etc. [needs to do a better job of answering the surge question]

McCain: Says the surge was a strategy not a tactic [he is wrong] Patriotic story about him being in Bagdad with the troops. Lies about funding.

Obama: debunks his funding lie. McCain is lying again...

Afganistan - Should there be more troops.

Obama: Yes, I have been saying that for years. Commanders have said we don't have the troops because of Iraq. He would send two more brigades. We have made a strategic mistake by taking our eyes off Afganistan. Also need to deal with Pakistan - we have given them money and they haven't delivered.

McCain: I wouldn't repeat the mistakes of the past - pulling out of Afganistan. McCain is not prepared to cut off aid to Pakistan. Says Obama would attack Pakistan [lies]. Need to obtain the allegiance of Pakistan people. Will be tough. But he is confident in General Petraus.

Obama: Nobody talked about attacking Pakistan. What he said that if we have BinLaden in our sights and Pakistani's won't act - he will. We have lost legitimacy in Pakistan over the past 8 years.

McCain: Talks about his voting record for past wars. Now another sentimental war story about a bracelet.

Obama: I have a bracelet too. [funny] We took our eye off the ball. We are having enormous problems in Afganistan because of Iraq.

McCain: We will win in Afganistan. But if we follow Obama's plan in Iraq we will also lose in Afganistan.

What is the threat from Iran:

McCain: If Iran acquires nukes, it is a threat to Israel. We cannot allow a second holocaust. Proposes a league of democracies that imposes significant sanctions on Iran that would have an effect. But have no doubt, they are continuing to try to build a nuke, and they are bringing IED's into Iraq to kill our troops.

Obama: The single thing that has strengthened Iran has been the war in Iraq. We can't tolerate a nuclear Iraq. We need tougher sanctions, but need the help of other countries beside democracies. We also need tough direct diplomacy with Iran.

McCain: Obama said he would sit down with them without precondition. That legitimizes them.

Obama: Without preconditions does not mean you invite them over for tea. There is a difference between precondition and preparation. [good point here] Even Kissinger (McCain adviser) has said these meetings would be productive.

McCain : talking about height of South Koreans. [what?] Says preconditioned meetings are dangerous.

Obama: John is Mis characterizing his position.

McCain: No I am not. [yes you are]

Russia - how do you see Russia:

Obama: Need to have a unified relationship. Need to affirm all in the region that we are supporting them. Need to make sure Russia understands that we have common interests. Need to make sure that we don't revert to a cold war mentality. Need to make sure that all regions that can be - should be provided a position in NATO.

McCain: Aggression is not acceptable. When he looks in Putin's eyes he sees "KGB." We need to support those areas that want acceptance into NATO. Need to make it clear that the Russians are violating their agreements.

Obama: Agree's in principal with McCain. But we need to have foresight to anticipate some of these problems. He warned about this in April. We need to have an energy strategy to deal with Russia effectively since they control a significant amount of oil. Energy - this is a big issue with regard to national security.

Likelihood of another 911 attack in the US

McCain: Much less than it was before 911 - but we have a long way to go. Talks about his record creating commission to investigate 911. Proud of his work on this. Need to make sure we don't torture. Need better intelligence. Still have a long way to go.

Obama: Safer in some way - but have a long way to go, in transit, in ports, etc. We are spending billions on missile defense but are spending far less on nuclear proliferation. Need to go at the root cause of Al Qaida. Need to restore our standing in the world.

McCain: If we fail in Iraq, it would embolden Al Qaida. If we follow Obama's plan this would happen.

Obama: Over the last 8 year this administration and McCain has focused on Iraq, ignoring all else, while Al Qaida has grown. We have damaged our standing in the world by viewing through this lens. No one is talking about losing this war, but we need a broader vision than what we have now.

McCain: Obama does not have the knowledge or experience. I love the veterans and I will take care of them. I have the ability to keep the country safe. [because I say so?]

McCain: When I came home from prison I saw how badly veterans were treated. I know how to heal the wounds of war.

Couldn't escape without a POW.

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