Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Monday, except on Wall Street

Across the street from where I sit, the Merrill Lynch headquarters will soon be owned by Bank of America. Lehman Brothers filed for Chapter 11 yesterday and, probably the biggest story: AIG, the big insurer is seeking a loan from the fed to stave off downgrade of their credit rating. If that happens, experts are saying that the company may not be able to stay afloat for more than a few days.

Remember when Bush wanted to privatize Social Security and create personal accounts that would be invested in the market? That probably wouldn't have worked out all that well now, would it have? Oh, and John McCain agreed with Bush back in 2000, voted for the 2006 Bush plan, and said on the campaign trail in March: "I’m totally in favor of personal savings accounts… As part of Social Security reform, I believe that private savings accounts are a part of it—along the lines that President Bush proposed,” McCain told the Journal.[Wall Street Journal, 3/3/08.

My friends, that's not change we can believe in.

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