Monday, September 15, 2008

Oh no he didn't

Yes, it appears he did. As large financial institutions are failing left and right, and the market is tanking, John McCain, in a speech this morning in Florida said that he feels the fundamentals of our economy are strong. I mean, really?

UPDATE: Oh, now I understand. McCain redefines the fundamentals of the economy at a later campaign stop as: "The American worker and their innovation and their entrepreneurship, the small business, those are the fundamentals of America and I think they’re strong." I get it now. Atrios notes that if you now say something is wrong with the economy, you are insulting workers.


Anonymous said...

28% of our fellow citizens must pull their heads out of their as@*% immediately or our children's futures are in monumental jeopardy. It was once O.K. to be an ignoramus, as long as you didn't hurt anybody. My friends, a new day has dawn. Ignorance is now as dangerous as maliciousness. If people don't wake up immediately, like tonight, then more banks will go belly up and AIG will be the tip of the iceberg in the insurance industry. Some of my outrage is being replaced by genuine fear - fear of the disease of ignorance. My friends, the fundamentals of our ignorance are strong. What’s happening to us?!?

Chris said...

I too am afraid. And, like most of us, I asked people around me what they thought of the events of the day. 9 out of 10 said "what happened today." I despair.... It was a bad day for our country; but it was a straight-up indictment of GW policies (and McCain's as well.) Tomorrow, I will have a post up that outlines McCain's complicity - or more accurately, passive permissiveness, of the sources behind this mess.