Friday, September 12, 2008

This might be too easy....

Here we go. Today Senator McCain gets it all wrong on The View:

MCCAIN: Well, first of all, earmark spending, which she vetoed a half a billion dollars worth in the state of Alaska.
WALTERS: She also took some earmarks there.

BEHAR: A lot.

MCCAIN: No, not as governor she didn’t, she vetoed...

WALTERS: As Mayor.

MCCAIN: Well, look, the fact is that she was a reform governor.

Did he really mean that? He may have, but I don't think he should have said it. Truth is, as Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin sought about $750 million in earmarks from the federal government. Per capita, that is way above any other state in the nation. Here is the FY09 request from the Governor of the State of Alaska (PDF). Note, please, the requests for the study of seal DNA...remember when McCain used the study of polar bear DNA as a symbol of excessive pork?

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