Wednesday, September 17, 2008

You can put lipstick on a...

You can put lipstick on a big, fat, drug-addled, right-wing radio host, but its still a pig. On his radio program yesterday, discussing Palin's "Troopergate" problem, Rush Limbaugh told his audience:
This is pure sexism in Alaska on the part of these old boys trying to get rid of Sarah Palin, and she didn't put up with it, and she didn't bend over and let them have their way.

Can you just imagine the media outcry if anyone from the left said that?


R. Narvaez said...

The thing is, if Obama were referencing Sarah Palin when
he mentioned the old chestnut "putting lipstick on a pig,"
he would actually been insulting pigs. Here are some facts:

* Pigs, also called hogs or swine, are ungulates which have been domesticated as sources of food, leather, and similar products since ancient times. In all that time, no pigs has ever inquired about the banning of books.
* More recently, pigs have been involved in biomedical research and treatments, especially for their eyes and hearts, which closely resemble those of humans. Sarah Palin has no heart!
* Pigs' long association with humans has led to their considerable representation in cultural milieux from paintings to proverbs. There are 2 billion pigs on the planet. Yet none of them carry weapons!

Chris said...

And, while pigs do squeal, their voices don't immediately make me break into a cold sweat.